Launching other programs under Linux

Sometimes there is a need for our program to launch some other program or a system command. To do this, use the sys_execve system function (number 11). It accepts the following parameters:

Let's try to write a simple example - printing a message with the echo program.

(skip the code)
; Launching other programs using assembly under Linux
; Author: Bogdan D., bogdandr (at) op . pl
; assemble:
; nasm -f elf -o exec_linux.o exec_linux.asm
; ld  -o exec_linux exec_linux.o

section .text
global	_start


	mov	eax, 11			; sys_execve function number
	mov	ebx, komenda		; file to run
	mov	ecx, argumenty		; address of parameters list
	mov	edx, srodowisko		; address of environment variables
	int	80h

	mov	eax, 4
	mov	ebx, 1
	mov	ecx, info
	mov	edx, info_dl
	int	80h			; display a message

	mov	eax, 1
	xor	ebx, ebx
	int	80h			; exit the program

section .data

komenda		db	"/bin/echo", 0	; program to run
info		db	"Program executed.", 10 ; message to print
info_dl		equ	$ - info

argumenty	dd	komenda		; argv[0] is the program name
		dd	arg1		; argv[1]
		dd	0		; end of parameter list

arg1		db	"Czesc!", 0	; first command-line parameter

srodowisko	dd	home		; one environment variable
		dd	0		; end of environment variables

home		db	"HOME=/home/bogdan", 0 ; example $HOME
						; environment variable

One thing should immediately be noticed: the Program executed message is not displayed. The reason for this is that if the sys_execve function executes without any errors, it ... will not return to the out calling program (just like it says on the man page: man execve). Major drawback, but it can be easily removed by using threads or functions like sys_fork or sys_clone, to run a separate thread or process, which in turn calls sys_execve.

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